5 Minute Cinnamon Sugar Toast
Recipe type: Breakfast, Snack, Dessert
Cuisine: Vegan
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Serves: 2
5 Minute Cinnamon Sugar Toast! The ultimate quick dessert, snack, or (indulgent) breakfast that requires only 4 ingredients and takes 5 minutes or less!
  • 2 slices of white loaf bread, cut thick (I used a white loaf from Whole Foods)
  • 5 tablespoons coconut oil, softened
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  1. Mix 1 teaspoon cinnamon with 2 tablespoons granulated sugar in a small bowl. Set aside.
  2. Heat a medium-large pan over medium heat. While the pan is heating, butter 1 side of each slice of bread with 1 tablespoon softened coconut oil per side.
  3. When the pan is hot, place buttered side down. Butter the other side of both slices with coconut oil, being careful not to touch the pan. Toast for about 2 minutes per side or until golden.
  4. Remove from pan and butter each slice with a little more coconut oil (~1 teaspoon or so).
  5. Sprinkle each slice with desired amount of cinnamon sugar.
  6. Devour & enjoy immediately!
*I prefer to use a white loaf-type bread that hasn’t been sliced, but any type of bread you have on hand would work here. Just make sure it's fresh/soft.
*Save leftover cinnamon/sugar mixture in a small container and use for future toast.
Recipe by Peach and the Cobbler - REAL food + Holistic Health + Self Love at https://www.peachandthecobbler.com/5-minute-cinnamon-sugar-toast/